a grammatical error uttered forth by furry mammals and/or complete r-t-rds.
i has a bucket!
can it has be hugs time now please?
an acronym for hand, -ss, slap. its use is similar to the more traditional -ss stamp. it contains the equally as popular “hand” and “slap”. one must really screw up to get the h.a.s. this is a demoralizing and embar-ssing thing for any person to receive.
b-rad: i just got elected to that national youth leadership conference…no big deal.
pope: h.a.s.!
a word generally replacing and tense of have (have, had, has). it can as well be used before any verb or auxiliary verb. it may also be spelled as “haz.”
i has a blanket.
i has a halo collector’s helmet, but my roomate stole it.
he has a blanket.
i has can do it!
i has jumped over the blanket.
the short way of saying hahahahaha,
-then brad sh-t his pants…
-omg ha’s
a shorter way of saying you are “hype as sh-t”
joe: you ready for the show tonight?
jane: dude, im has !! cant wait
acronym for ‘hands are shaking’. happens during internet chat when you suddenly l.o.l so hard that your fingers have no power to type further. this would happen in the middle of the conversation when the fellow chatter might be waiting for you to type something, but u can’t cos u are dying out of laughter on the other end.
bff : (-says something funny-)
bff: (-continues saying -)
bff: ‘are u there?’
me: has
bff: ‘oh..lol -continues saying-)
plural of “ha”. shorthand for “ha ha”, “haha”, “hahaha”, etc.
over texting/instant messaging-
person 1: has, that was a really funny joke.
person 2: has?
person 1: many has. i mean, you don’t say “rabbitrabbit” for two rabbits.
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