degree for adjectives higher than the superlative. usually added for postive adjective verbs only (such as s-xy, cool, rifk)when used, the normal ending is removed and replaced by “en+hausen”.
can be used to let others know, that the just announced adjective was actually an understatement.
dude: hahaha i’m laughing so hard thats rifkenhausen
dude: dude, your mom is hot, shes the s-xenhausen
dude: horse comes into a bar. barkeeper says, “why the long face?”
dude2: rifken
dude3: hausen
a canadian euphemism for a bathroom (n) or (more commonly) the act of using a bathroom to deficate (v); this term is seemingly rooted in german (i.e. “scheiße-haus”). differs from its north american counterparts in that one “makes” a scheiße, rather than “takes” one.
“i need to hit the hausen. gotta make a scheiße.”
“the hausen beckons. scheiße time.”
“the hausen’s a-callin’ this mornin’. we’re entering scheiße country.”
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