the mascot of san benito high school located in hollister, ca and named the second most original high school mascot across the united states according to sports ill-strated magazine.
need i say more??
hank the haybaler will pull a train on your -ss!
the haybaler is the cl-ssic s-x move where one does the following:
1. shave off all one’s pubic hairs and put them in a little bag.
2. start having s-x with someone doggy-style.
3. take the shaven pubic hairs out of the bag and stuff them in the -ss of the f-cked doggy-style person.
4. stuff the c-ck in the person’s -ss and ram the p-b-s down.
5. when the person sh-ts next, they sh-t out a pubic hair/sh-t hay bale.
man 1: dude, that chick is pretty hot but she’s a total b-tch.
man 2: yeah i’m gonna nail her with a haybaler tonight.
a h-m-s-xual farm worker. this term is also used to describe a highschool, where said farm workers often get there “edumacation”. also see san benito or hollister
man, look at those god dam haybalers. “hey -sshole, get your c-ck outta that hole!”
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pejorative used as a retort against people who mock your intelligence by sarcastically calling you einstein. may also be used as a general term for someone being an idiot, along with -sshat and f-cktard “good job, einstein” “shut up, you’re a b-ttstein”
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