heidi is an amazing, energetic, smart, styling, rocking, funny, gorgeous girl. she laughs at everything, and is almost always smiling. she is beautiful both inside & out. this girl definitly has a temper, but she controls it most of the time. she is a dude magnet. every guy on this planet is lucky to have her. and she even has a hot name!
“whoa dude that chick is hot!”
“of course she is…that’s heidi”
15 more definitions
this girl that is way cool.
im going to the beach with heidi on the 27th.
when you find a really rare or unique friend; one of a kind person.
i found a total heidi recently! it’s great!
a girl who is nothing but caring, giving, honest and beautiful. she attracts a few haters because they are jealous of her supreme godliness and beauty. they can only wish they were half the person she is.
i wish i were more like heidi
a cl-ssic children’s book by johanna spyrie, published in 1880, it won a newberry award, and is still a very popular children’s book. i recommend it for children and adults alike.
heidi is a story about a little girl growing up in the swedish alps.
to take, hold, or steal your heart. a person who is a soulmate. a good lover.
she pulled a heidi on my heart. (she stole or holds my heart)
my heart was heidied. (my heart was stolen)
watch out she will heidi you. (she will steal your heart)
you have yourself an heidi. (you have yourself a soulmate)
a woman who is full of grace. she is blessed with other-worldly charm and sophistication. she is a person who looks for the best in and respects others. don’t be surprised if she becomes your best friend!
“gee, i wish i was as kind and sweet as heidi, she is a wonderful person!”
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