Hella Ho Ho
a phrase used to describe something truely gay. not the h-m-s-xual gay….but the kinda of gay that sucks bad, not hard. abreviated “triple h”
zimora says you are h-lla ho ho ‘fasho!
ew! that is so triple h!
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hopefully good lies balogna at winter. used as a form of excitement; can replace phrases like “no way!” or “omg!”. haley: yeah, it turns out shes a lesbian. lindsay: hglbaw!
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the act of playing halo while under the influnce of cannabis, or other wise know as refers. this is done by most stoners who know what is fun. while playing high-lo many people get the effects of sticking a b-tch, sniping a dome, or any other sweet sh-t done while stoned and playing halo.
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