Here Come The Cube Motherfucker
a battle cry, screamed under the condition that:
1. the user has set up and executed or is intending to set up and execute teh cub3 stratagy in a game of warcraft iii: reign of chaos, and is informing his or her opponent of how hopelessly f-cked they are.
2. the user is about to chuck a nintendo gamecube at someone’s head, via the rear located handle.
3. the user is -ssociated with warbucket and felt like saying it.
“so i sent a shade to scout out his base, and i see him unsummoning all of his buildings. then i look around a little more and i see a square of all these towers. i said ‘wtf’ and all he said in return was ‘owned, here come the cube motherf-cker’. i lost that game, badly.”
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