heresy is from the greek hairesis meaning, choose, and by extension in theological terms, “doctrines of men who have chosen to follow their own views.” in general, heresy is a self-chosen doctrine not emanating from g-d’s word. any doctrine or teaching which is contradictory to established church doctrine based on the holy bible is called a heresy.
for example, jesus being the son of g-d is established church doctrine based on the bible. to forsake the word and choose to believe he is not, would be heresy! back
the act of going against the teachings of the bible and the refusal to believe in the almighty g-d. the politically correct term for this today is atheism. this is something committed by seemingly hundreds of millions of people all over the world today. tens of millions of people in the united states alone are heretics (the same as atheist). the cause of all of this heresy is because of the move towards secularism (non-religious), a more liberal culture, and the enhancement of transportation and greater communication technology, which links to everything in the outside world and the various regions of this nation.
the big cities of the blue states are full of heretics.
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