a shortened version of “hey, how are you doing?”.
“dude tony guess what?”
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- hezi
polani metumtam hovev gvarim
- HFAS Day
‘hurt’n for a squirt’n day a day of celebration when a couple first had intercourse. also used for when two people first banged, got it in, had s-x, etc. this excludes oral s-x and must involve p-n-s and v-g-n- penetration and/or p-n-s and -n-l penetration. can also include the first time a strap on is […]
- Hignite
inbred,your parents had s-x with someone blood related,and you are they’re child. levi had s-x with his sister so his son/nephew is now a hignite.
- Hinch
the coolest person around. that guy is so hinch (verb) to be bamboozled, fooled, taken advantaged of by a complete loser. (noun) see donovan i’ve hinch ‘d the government because i’m getting money for a fake condition i’m pretending to have. you have a little of bit of money and self-worth, i don’t…i’m gonna hinch […]
- hip hopacrite
a white person who is racist that listens to rap music that redneck is listening to 50-cent, he is a hip hopacrite.