the format for a number written in base-16 instead of base-10 (decimal). commonly used in computing or electronic fields, since each digit in a hexadecimal number is trivially converted (by humans or machines) into 4 bits with a table. a number in base-10 is more difficult to convert into binary, requiring repeated division by 2.
when writing a hexadecimal number, for digits greater than ‘9’ convention dictates use of the first 6 letters of the alphabet. so the digits are:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
the value of the popular magic number deadbeef when converted from hexadecimal to decimal is 3735928559.
if only you and dead people can read hex, how many people can read hex? don’t -ssume it’s all ascii.
57005 and you makes 57006 people.
a virus on the show reboot. she was created on the very first episode, is completely insane, and is in love with bob, one of the main characters. she dies in the fourth season by saving the web and all its systems when she stablizes it after the m-ssive infection of the virus daemon.
“i simply adore children. but i could never eat a whole one.” –hex, soon after temporarily losing her viral powers and becoming a normal sprite
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