
replacement for “h-ll”; common used on the newsies slash forum, the refuge.
uh, hezmot to the yeah!

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  • Hhhh

    hhhh – a sigh of disgust,dismay, slight annoyance etc. hhhh…are you f-cking serious?

  • hideologist

    an excessively ugly and unattractive person. taken from the root word “hideous,” a hideologist is essentially one who is licensed and practicing the state of being hideous. “look at that hideologist over there, man is she nasty or what?” “this place is filled with hideologists. not one hot female in sight!”

  • high-bye

    said when wanting to avoid yet not dishearten someone you think is a f-ckwitt high-bye whilst swiftly walking off

  • high class mcbangbang

    when you buy a big mac and a southern style chicken, you take out the middle layer bun and slip in the chicken patty and condiments. big mac $3 southern style chicken $3.50 high cl-ss mcbangbang priceless

  • High-peeness

    high peeness refers to happiness in a s-xual way. i.e. the erected state of the male genitals. what do i want in life? high-peeness, just like everyone else.

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