higgly piggly
adj. when things are out of order, chaotic, and in disarray.
when she opened the door to the dressing room, everything was higgly piggly and she was distraught over the state of it all.
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- sprinkle
1) to p-ss on knowledge to another 2) to p-ss a physical object 3) to spread information term originated in the bay area. featured in e-40’s 1995 song “sprinkle me” “i’m finna sprinkle you fools with some of this g-a-m-e” “we talked about what really went down, she sprinkled me with some new information” everyone […]
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usually asian and squinty eyed. usually plays a lot of fort nite. really good at school. his facial expressions rarely change but you know he’s laughing on the inside (probably about how dumb he thinks you are) wow, i want hpung to help me with my homework because he’s asian and smart.
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