being so excited about how she does that you feel s-xually stimulated during the whole tv spot.
news: “and there we have california where the two democrat delegates are neck to neck… who’s gonna pack the orange country?… and here we go… the winner is….. hillary clint!”
a- aaaaaaggghhhh yeessss
b- what’s wrong with you, man?
a- -gasping- nothing, really… i’ve just had a huge hillarygasm…
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mad high right now. through use of a texting means this is a achromym for mhrn jhonny just texted mhrm he must of had some good weed.
the term for a unavailable attractive man due to the fact he is either married or gay mhsmk david tennant
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shortening of the word microwaveable. able to be cooked in a microwave oven. i bought this ready meal but it doesn’t say if it’s micravable on the packaging.
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