a hitseeker is primarily used in 15-396 science of the web. it describes a way to get your page to the top of google search results.
i used a hitseeker to get to the top of google’s search results, and now i have an a in 15-396.
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- Hit the # key
put on noticeable weight. get fat. (hit the ‘pound’ key.} “wow look at lynn. she’s a walrus!” “yes, after she had her kids she really hit the # key.”
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a crippled v-g-n- dude my girlfriend must have hobble puss, she wont give out
- hobokel
a female of incredible beauty. i came down the stairs to see the hobokel awaiting my arrival
- hoce pwn
1. to pwn one in the face with a hoce. h.o.c.e.= hammer of corrupted enchantments, a mighty hammer wielded by the great and powerful everquest monk cakraak cakraak. 1. i hoce pwnt that n00b itf!!!
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noun. a combination of ho and escapes. in other words, questionable activities that directly relate to general hoe-ishness. often used as an interjection. bob: what did you do last night, anne? anne: i was hanging out with my boyfriend… bob: hoescapades!