an absolute nasty wh-r- about whom you cannot decide whether to call them a hobag or a sk-nk; therefore, “hobask-nk”
that hobask-nk had dna from at least 5 different guys in her panties last night
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- Hobo Car
a shopping cart. guy 1: now, when we get to the mall, you grab a hobo car. guy 2: a “hobo car”? guy 1: yeah, you know… a shopping cart. guy 2: ohhhh. yeah, that’s clever.
- Hobowasted
the act of getting so drunk you have forgotten where you live. regardless of the time of day. man, yesterday i got so hobowasted i woke up in a dumpster.
- Hociety
society that in the present time appears only in logical peoples’ nightmares; society run by wh-r-s generally infected with a mental disease called twilitis picked up by reading any book in the twilight saga. usually imagined run by oprah winfrey, miley cyrus, or paris hilton john lennon had a horrible nightmare in which society was […]
- Hockmug
adj. a really busted/ugly chick. background: only chambers, minto, and scott will now… yo i saw this hockmug that made my stomach turn.
- hoes before bros
1. when a guy does the opposite of the “bros before hoes” rule. 2. a guy who leaves his buddies to chill with his girl. “alex is p-ssy-whipped, man. sarah’s always got him hoes before bros.” 4 more definitions leaving your friends to get some with your girl and/or random girls dude where did carl […]