Hoity toity
to define sn-bby behavior
when people be thinking they are better than you
acting as if you are important
the hoity-toity girl walked by holding her prada bag with her nose in the air.
a person whom -ssumes that they are above you in any way without cause or reason. this person normally has to find flaws in others to make them feel better. they really enjoy labels are always made up.
jennifer just bout a d&g bag – she acts a little too hoity toity for me…..
an (un)deserved impression of superiority from one person to another.
an adjective for a haughty or supercilious place or person.
“why don’t we go to mcdonald’s?”
“i thought we were going somewhere hoity-toity!”
something that is very… very… fancy-shmancy. that is totally using the word to define itself but ssh. umm anyway it is also having to do with something like, “:o well!! i see i’m not good enough for this.” hoity-toity att-tude that is had by people in beverly hills.
you want to eat this plateful of caviar and then vomit on your mom, hoity-toity boy?? huh? huuuhh?!?!?!
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