noun: a specific brand/type of chinese-made toy-camera often used by lomographers. made of black plastic, often with a plastic lens this camera uses 120-size film. this camera may also be made into an instant camera by adding a polaroid back thus creating a “holga-roid.”
i’m going to take my holga out and take snapshots of my friends.
a terrible camera that is basically the same as a box camera that you can find at any antique store for $5, except it costs $50 at urban outfitters instead.
i use a holga because i like to take advantage of the quality of medium-format.
an over-rated camera used mostly by hipsters. to produce “insta-art” which is usually complete rubbish.
taking an under-exposed, out of focus photo of my friends with my holga is sooo deep and meaningful man.
a cr-ppy toy camera made out of plastic that has become popular with hipster douches. having no actual training in photography tw-ts who use the holga think sh-t looking photographs are deep and artistic. seriously guys buy a f-cking 35mm slr off ebay.
hipster: guys check out my new holga it takes such artistic photos that have soo much depth.
slr users: gtfo f-ggot.
Read Also:
- holy bell
when you use your d-ck to “ring” your girl’s (or guy’s) uvula (hanging thing in the back of your throat) like a bell. dude, your girl sounds like macy gray. did you give her the holy bell?
- Holy Crack Whore
exclamation of an often seen but unusual sight.under the banner of many “holy” exclamations ,eg:holy f-ck, holy sh-t and holy slappin batman!this one seems to superseed all exclamations in the “holy” genre. 1.holy crack wh-r-!that’s a big sandwich! 2.douche1:”dude i just took a sh-t out of a tree.” douche2:”holy crack wh-r-! sick!”
- Holy Shitakii Batman
the more polite, reference using version of “holy sh-t.” rather than holy sh-t, it uses holy sh-takii batman, sh-takii an asian mushroom, batman, a widely-popular dc comics character. holy sh-takii batman, i think i just shat my pants.
- Shit Rack
when something is unbearable, disgusting, just looks like sh-t on a stick. looks like a rack of sh-t. yeah man 1-“did you see heuvos’s hair?” man 2-“yeah, man! that hair looked like a sh-t rack!” heuvos- “corn.”
- holy shit on a stick
strong expression that relays a sense of suprise and even panic at times. not to be confused with i’ll have a sh-t on a stick please. that guy is going b-lls out! holy sh-t on a stick! used when surprised holy sh-t on a stick