1.when a moment or event breaks ones spirit or ones ability to function 2. a feeling -ssociated with helplessness and/or loss. 3. sadness in clinical proportions.
“the once gentle, animated eyes, now looked hollow with hopelessness.”
the moment when you realise that everything in your world is wrong, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
brandy:”dude. i am just overcome with hopelessness.”
brandy:”i watched mtv yesterday. -shudders-”
cooper:”you’ve been inside for four months!”
cody:”it’s all so hopeless”
cooper:”how the h-ll does moping fix that??”
the epitome of watching someone die and being able to do nothing to stop it
standing beside the gravestone before the wake, hopelessness enveloped her, the feeling that precedes grief.
1. someone who survived an abortion.
2. someone who’s father hates him.
3. someone on the clan mac forums
4. all of the above.
person a “the word p-n-s is so funny!!!!one!”
person b “… stfu you’re like the hopelessnes guy on clan mac”
person a “:(”
person c “that was low dude”
person b “yeah you’re right i’m sorry. :(“
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