
always h-rny
your just h-rny hopley

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    when hormonal women are being silly, absent-minded, ditsy or plain stupid. generally used in conjunction with pregnancy. can also apply to effeminate h-m-s-xuals; or any men, really. also: n. hormorone adj. hormoronal she was a real hormoron during the first trimester; couldn’t even do simple arithmetic.

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    a violent and/or very argumentative/controversial situation. 1. ever since 9/11, the us has been at war and in a political hornet’s nest with terrorism worldwide. 2. jamal and terrell really got into some gangsta sh-t when they stirred up a hornet’s nest with their fellow crips, who refused to share their mcdonald’s chicken selects with […]

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  • Hotdog Shop

    when a party or get together is meant for both girls and boys but mostly boys show up, possibly even only boys. heather: oh my goodness, we need to hangout sometime soon! erika: yesss; and i promise it’ll be better than what you’re doing at that hotdog shop now!

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