a horrock is a mythical creature existing only inside telephone lines between elderly gentlemen. first publicly referred to in the recent film “alice in wonderland” (2010) by tim burton, this is said to have been a popular term for such mythical creatures throughout the 20th century within certain secret communities throughout the uk.
“hang up! i think i heard a horrock!”
a silly mistake, one that should have been avoided.
i dont think that’s been entered correctly. horrocks!!!
an insult referring to the subject being a small man whos diet consists entirely of c-ck. often an irritation to his peers, a horrocks is usually -ssociated with his only form of sustinance.
that horrocks looks hungry, i guess he can’t find any c-ck.
this horrocks is being a c-ck.
get this c-ck f-ggot out of here!
conkers, bag-o-jacks, bunch of grapes. a dence cl-ster of internal and external piles.
aaaarrrrgh!!! i’ve sat on me horrocks!
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