hot hobo love
the bromance between actors robert pattinson and tom sturridge
rpattz and tomstu were out drinking again, showing the cameras some hot hobo love.
hot hobo love is the beautiful bromance shared by robert pattinson and tom sturridge. more commonly known as tomstud and hotbert.
growing up together as close friends, it was clear to their fans that it was more than just close friendship, that it was in fact, srs bsns. after noticing tom sturridge creeping in the background of pattinson’s photographs (see vma awards), a tomstud fan by the name of tech, or more commonly known as touj0urspur on youtube discovered the world of hot hobo love, and plaids.
srsbsnsfangirl: “omg, who’s that in the picture with rpattz?!”
plaid: “gtfo. his name is bert, and that’s tom.”
srsbsnsfangirl: “who’s tom?”
plaid: “tom and bert share the best type of hot hobo love. tom is his bromance partner.”
the act of love shared between tomstud and hotbert.
also the sole inspiration of the cult, the plaid’s. they wear green plaid shirts religiously. the legend of the green plaid shirt echoes from sensual times shared between hotbert and tomstud. after their scene of intimacy they dress in the dark and the one who dresses himself in the shirt will be the submissive at the next turn of hot hobo love.
hotbert- “dude, kstew is totally chagrining on my dazzle, bro. have some hot hobo love laters? maybe you can wear the green plaid shirt this time?
tomstud- “ha, no way. you have the vag in this relationship, hookuh.”
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