(hypertext markup language)
html is the language used to create web pages for display in web browsers. html can be created directly with text editors or web publishing programs, such as dreamweaver, or it can be the output of other programs that make dynamic webpages on the fly. when you select “view source” from your web browser, the code that you are viewing is html.

hypertext markup language

a markup language used to structure text and multimedia doc-ments and to set up hypertext links between doc-ments, used extensively on the world wide web.

test page

this is a test!

put that into notepad or another editor and save it as index .html that is html (basic)
hypertext markup language
the code for creating webpagges, using tags and other commands that a browser reads and converts into the normal webpages that people see.
i used html code to build my website.
anyone with a pair of b-lls needs to know h.t.m.l.
how to make love
i know html (how to make love)
html is a programming language that is used to create and display webpages on web browsers.

you can think of html as a webpage’s dna.
i used html to code my site.
it is the language of all computers
computerg33k: this is html…


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