a person who believes in good over evil.
someone who says their prayers and eats their vitamins.
defender of america.
hulkamaniac: “whatcha gonna do when the hulkster runs wild on you?”
normal human: “who?”
follower of the red and yellow brother! when it comes crashin’ down and it hurts inside!! whatcha gonna do brother!
typical american mark who cheered and booed hulk hogan respectively when he was a good and a bad guy. also a true hulkamaniac will cheer for the hulkster no matter if he’s a face or heel. you find most of those in canada strangely enough.
group who follows hulk hogan; usually 30 year olds who still remember when they were 10 and loved hulk hogan.
hulkamaniacs should realize that now that hulk has laid off the juice he has deflated, which only accentuates his man-b–bs.
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