Human Herbivore
the human herbivore was designed to live on earth as an integral part of nature. he has become estranged from nature by a culture ‘artificially scripted’ by extremely ancient temple communities.
these societies determined at some point in their evolution to produce a cl-ss of humans capable of violence to protect them and guard their treasures. they set about to define cultural mores that would insure that captured children raised inside these artificial reality cultures would never be able to learn the truth of their naturally peaceful and attuned natures.
they raised them to kill small animals; consume flesh; war with each other; be compet-tive in all matters; never speak truthfully and never -ssume that anyone else was unless they were authority figures.
they taught them that only discipline should be trusted, mind over matter (meaning over ones natural instincts), that ‘nature’ was cruel, that only artificial engineering could insure comfort and peace…
but mostly they taught them to always look to a leader and listen to nothing else. they inst-tuted a culture of rewards and punishments and were able to create desensitized warriors that could kill on demand.
these meat-eating creatures, who other temple members considered something of a monstrosity, were kept isolated from the rest of society. their creation also brought about the need for the creation of strict castes so that the greater society would not be polluted by their conditioned and violent natures but also their unusual diseases.
thus two completely unique societies became both intertwined and interdependent with all the consequent convolutions of logic apparent today.
eventually, this ‘warrior’ cl-ss overthrew the original temple culture completely. these temple cultures existed across the globe and as each fell to a cl-ss of warriors, wars broke out between the now warrior-dominated temple societies as well.
this separation and artificial society began with man’s induced separation from nature, in particular, the most basic part of his own nature which allows him to fully partic-p-te in all of nature… his human herbivore design.
see: milton mills, md., “comparative anatomy of eating”
this design is his key to communion and in fact true wisdom, the result of communion in nature.
the human herbivore that practices meat-eating is blinded to his true nature by the gross unnaturalness of his behavior and the culture that enables it.
the human herbivore was designed to live on earth as an integral part of nature. he has become estranged from nature by a culture ‘artificially scripted’ by extremely ancient temple communities.
these societies determined at some point in their evolution to produce a cl-ss of humans capable of violence to protect them and guard their treasures. they set about to define cultural mores that would insure that captured children raised inside these artificial reality cultures would never be able to learn the truth of their naturally peaceful and attuned natures.
they raised them to kill small animals; consume flesh; war with each other; be compet-tive in all matters; never speak truthfully and never -ssume that anyone else was unless they were authority figures.
they taught them that only discipline should be trusted, mind over matter (meaning over ones natural instincts), that ‘nature’ was cruel, that only artificial engineering could insure comfort and peace…
but mostly they taught them to always look to a leader and listen to nothing else. they inst-tuted a culture of rewards and punishments and were able to create desensitized warriors that could kill on demand.
these meat-eating creatures, who other temple members considered something of a monstrosity, were kept isolated from the rest of society. their creation also brought about the need for the creation of strict castes so that the greater society would not be polluted by their conditioned and violent natures but also their unusual diseases.
thus two completely unique societies became both intertwined and interdependent with all the consequent convolutions of logic apparent today.
eventually, this ‘warrior’ cl-ss overthrew the original temple culture completely. these temple cultures existed across the globe and as each fell to a cl-ss of warriors, wars broke out between the now warrior-dominated temple societies as well.
this separation and artificial society began with man’s induced separation from nature, in particular, the most basic part which allows him to fully partic-p-te in all of nature… his human herbivore design.
see: milton mills, md., “comparative anatomy of eating”
this design is his key to communion and the development of wisdom, a result of communion with nature.
the human herbivore that practices meat-eating is blinded to his true nature by the gross unnaturalness of his behavior and the culture that enables it.
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