
short for hurstyline train line-
hursty bias b
hurstbridge train line
1. a perfect replacement for the world you can’t find. it can be used in multiple ways and situations.
(side note- hursty is never a replacement for a positive word such as cool or good.)
2. a word without definite meaning.
1a. why ya bein’ so hursty? (replacement for “paranoid”)
1b. yo, that’s a mad hursty shirt (replacement for ” weird”)
2a. yo, your mad hursty. (it’s just to be said, not to be meant as anything)
a binge drinking flash man-slag.
guy: hey chris
hursty: drink! drink! flash! drink! men! drink!
guy: …
a filthy, disgusting flash wh-r-. lies rotting in his own filth for days on end, and does not bathe or eat. has an extremely irregular sleeping pattern.
where’s mike? i’ve not seen him for days… he must be doing a hursty 😐
on the outside, he’s a long-haired, drug-taking, alcoholic, flash-obsessed….f-g.

on the inside….well i think this song sums him up best:
listen to me sister
and hear me brother too
this song contains a message
and it might apply to you
there’s a little bit of gay
in everyone today
so why not let it out
that’s what we say?

gay is natural
gay is good
gay is wonderful
gay people should
all come together
and fight for our rights.

listen to me people
no matter what you do
the thing that really counts in life
is to yourself be true
there’s a little bit of gay
in everyone today
so why not let it out
that’s what we say?

gay is natural
gay is good
gay is wonderful
gay people should
all come together
and fight for our rights.

hursty’s gay!
hursty’s gay!
hursty’s gay!
hursty’s gay!
some guy: hey, mr hursthouse, will you do a website for me? and sell me some drugs?
hursty: well….this is my day off…but you’re hot, so i guess i can make exceptions 😉

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