an expresion of frustration and despair. a more extreme version of humph
when one finds a hedgehog stuck in ones eyeball
a word used to describe a person who enjoys equestrian activities. normally from a higher social cl-ss, someone who is hurumph, is also likely to spend their weekends down the stables, wearing tweed, visiting national trust properties and events such as henley regatta and the oxford / cambridge boat race.
a: i’ll introduce you to quentin, he will be along in a minute, he is just giving rupert a lift home from the stables.
b: ah, is he hurumph, i’ll get the best china out.
the sound made when a person clears his/her throat, often interjected when speaking or writing to indicate that the next word or phrase is used ironically or euphemistically.
girl: i guess you were telling me the truth….
dude: hurumph! i told you so!
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