I am Dave! Yognau(gh)t
…and i have the b-lls.
said as “i am dave exclamation mark yognau(gh)t!”
the call of greeting between multiple yognau(gh)ts whenever they meet.
first used in yogpod 32: i am michael mcdonald and i listen to the yogpod all day. it was a saying taken from a fan-letter by “nick f-ckface” from australia describing his encounters with a shaken soda can which created a singularity. simon/honeydew approved of this saying and encouraged yognau(gh)ts to use as a greeting. it stuck with the fanbase.
yognaut: “i am dave! yognau(gh)t!”
yognaught: “…and i have the b-lls!”
yognaut: “eiffel tower.”
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