I kid
it is a somewhat old fashioned way of saying “just kidding.” it sounds more shakespearean than “jk d00000d.”
person a: b-tch, i’ll kick your -ss!
person b: -gasp- you have such a sailor mouth!
person a: what the motherf–k??
person b: har har, i kid, you old sea dog!
person a: har har har har!
a generation of spoiled undisciplined greedy lazy and delusional children born in the 90’s, named ikid’s not only for ipods iphones ipad’s but also every second sentence starts with “i”
“i want this”
“i want that”
“i want you to buy me the new ipod”
“im not an ikid”
the generation of youth born in 1990’s.
characterized by the ipods, macs, and other apple products by which they use
andy: what do you mean you dont know how to an ipod works?! youre an ikid!
me:not my fault they gave me an mp3 player!
a product designed to aid parents and old folk with acting young
“d-mn wippasnappers!!1 good thing i’ve got my ikid with me!!”
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