when the lucky people that own an ipod touch or an iphone commence in a high five with there ipods because how awesome they are for having an ipod touchs or iphones. also known as an iphive
dude!! i didn’t know you had an itouch! ifive!!!!!!!
when two or more people high-five with their iphone 5’s in celebration of connecting with each other.
hey, that’s a sweet iphone 5 you got there. -ifive-
high five using iphones instead of palms.
that’s awesome!
dude, not so hard! you’ll break my screen!
copyright peace camel & thefatman
1. pleasuring oneself while driving on an interstate, expressway, or highway.
2. jerking off in the middle of traffic – particularly a stop light.
“dude, the trip flew by so fast after i got off on the i-five.”
a high five over the internet.
im log
guy 1: hey man i got laid last night.
guy 2: sweet man, ifive.
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