Indianapolis Colts
a very dangerous team in the afc. they have a history of beating the h-ll out of their opponents.
the indianapolis colts played against the chicago bears at soldier field and just beat the h-ll out of them.
16 more definitions
an nfl team that dismantled the piece-of-sh-t denver broncos in the 2004 playoffs (41-10). the broncos suck and will never, ever, be a credible nfl team. shannahan is a b-tch.
f-ck the broncos.
an awesome team that will make it to a super bowl under manning.
the colts had the #10 defense in 03′, and just to compare ne was #7 and carolina was #8.
the colts were established in 1953 as baltimore’s nfl franchise. the quickly established themselves as contenders after signed quarterback johnny unitas, one of the greatest in the history of the game. with johnny u, they won the nfl championship in back to back years in 1958-59 and lost in the t-tle game in 1964. the colts continued their dominance in the late 1960s and early 1970s. in 1968, they headed to the super bowl and were heavy favorites to win the t-tle. however, they choked under pressure and lost to the jets in stunning fashion. the colts made up for their shortcomings in super bowl v. in unitas’s last year as a starter, the colts beat dallas for the t-tle on a last second jim o’brien field goal. up and down throughout the next decade, the colts moved to indianapolis in 1984, to the shock of players and fans alike. owner robert irsay secretly made the relocation deal, and information of the move didn’t leak to the media until the day after the franchise had moved. playoff berths were sp-rs- in indianapolis until quarterback peyton manning and receiver marvin harrison joined forces in the late 1990s, becoming an amazing duo and leading a high powered offense. while offense has led the team into the playoffs 6 times in the last 7 years, defense has consistantly been a problem. also, manning’s performance seems to slip in the postseason, and this proficient p-sser has yet to reach football’s t-tle game. in 2005, after having the best record in football, the colts were bounced in the division round in an odd game against the champion steelers.
“vanderjagt for the tie. that kick is up, it has the distance, but it’s no good. and it is over. the pittsburgh steelers are moving on, and the indianapolis colts see their season come to an end. mike vanderjagt, the game’s most accurte kicker, chokes on the big stage.”
former baltimore colts of johnny u; went to indy in 1981 in the middle of the night; sucked for many years; now good w/ manning and harrison
the colts haven’t won a super bowl since 1971
#1 offense + amazing new defense = almost guarenteed super bowl victory in 05-06 season.
bob: “did you see the indianapolis colts game yesterday?”
john: “h-ll yeah i saw them go 4-0”
an nfl franchise that has been based in indianapolis, indiana since relocating from baltimore, maryland in the dead of night in 1984. they’ve had a roller coaster ride since arriving in indianapolis but won the 2007 super bowl under the leadership of payton manning. represent the afc south conference. known for generally bad defense, but are currently a very dangerous team that can beat the sh-t out of opponents when badmouthed.
the indianapolis colts are known for winnning many come-from-behind games when they improve their often lackl-ster defense.
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