individual – meaning a person who acts in the way they want to and is not bound by the sad rules of soceity, live life forifilling goals for their self-esteem. these people do not conform to the ‘m-sses’ and are therefore swarn enemy to the common townie etc… an individual has their ‘own’ mind and seeks enlightenment through completing personal tasks set by themselves and are not influenced by someone elses opinion simply because they are ‘popular’.
‘townie – why u doin’ tha?’
‘individual – well why ask the question?’
‘townie – urgh?!’
an individual who doesnt cl-ssify themself under a stereotypical catagory. (prep,emo,punk,nerd etc.)
they dress how they want to dress, listen to what they want to listen to and do what they want to do and normally people respect that. an individual hates to be labeled.
a girl that likes punk,rockabilly,ska music but hangs out with the preps but doesnt shop at abercrombie because its to expensive,wears what she wants to wear and has friends from all groups.
“look at that girl, i cant even stereptype her, shes jsut an individual”
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