the feeling you get instantly after -j-c-l-t–n when you have had s-x with someone proper rancid due to slcohol. the pure natural and unstoppable instinct of emptying your sack combined with copious pints of ale takes over all rational thought then instantly returns the split second you -rg-sm
similar to instaguilt
dave: – “mate i pulled this munter last light with my beer goggles on… but f-ck me i got instaregret the moment i blew my load”
tony:- “lol, i know what you mean… its like the worst feeling ever”
regretting something almost immediately after it happens. usually leaves you wondering why you did what you just did.
often occurs after text messages, sent e-mails, and that last drink you shouldn’t have had.
“you probably shouldn’t drink any more of that tequila, i bet you’ll insta-regret it.”
“shut up, don’t tell me what to do! (takes a swig) …ahh cr-p, i feel nauseous.”
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- Inteligent
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- intentional irony
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- International Sex Day
on august 21st, we celebrate international s-x day. this holiday originally thought up by canadiens got a following after being mentioned on gossipbees, a los angeles based gossip webpage. it basically is a day that encourage people to have s-x, any and all kinds of s-x, as long as its intercourse. of course it has […]