to choose on instagram; , to like or comment on multiple pictures of a person that you want to get to know on a person level other than instagram.
-girl you insta’choosin like sh-t get off his page.
– friend 1: what you doin?
friend 2: girl sh-t in the house, insta’choosin & tw-tchin.
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- Instacream
instacream: the point of on the spot non controllable -rg-sm when you see someone that amazingly fit they have that effect on you hayley williams, just hearing her name makes me instacream
- Insta-Regret
the feeling you get instantly after -j-c-l-t–n when you have had s-x with someone proper rancid due to slcohol. the pure natural and unstoppable instinct of emptying your sack combined with copious pints of ale takes over all rational thought then instantly returns the split second you -rg-sm similar to instaguilt dave: – “mate i […]
- Insturbator
someone who pushes or urges someone else to m-st-rb-t- by means of taunting or humiliation guy- “oh come on just do it, what are you scared, don’t know how, etc.” girl- (touching herself) “ok i’ll do it! you’re such an insturbator!”
- Inteligent
a misspelling of the word intelligent. inteligent eh? you’re pretty smart.
- intentional irony
when someone does something ironic intentionally, usually for comic effect. msn conversation: jack: i love lolcat’s. jill: nice grammar geniu’s. john: i hate people who fail at english. mary: me to. (intentional irony)