a misspelling of the word intelligent.
inteligent eh? you’re pretty smart.
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when someone does something ironic intentionally, usually for comic effect. msn conversation: jack: i love lolcat’s. jill: nice grammar geniu’s. john: i hate people who fail at english. mary: me to. (intentional irony)
- interfacing
interacting with people using facebook. mother: what are you doing in there?! son: i’m interfacing! “i’ll interface with you later.”
- International Sex Day
on august 21st, we celebrate international s-x day. this holiday originally thought up by canadiens got a following after being mentioned on gossipbees, a los angeles based gossip webpage. it basically is a day that encourage people to have s-x, any and all kinds of s-x, as long as its intercourse. of course it has […]
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- Internet Pathogen
in·ter·net pa·tho·gen n. anything based on the internet that could be perceived to be the root cause of an internet disorder. you should try reading books to learn things instead of trying to google everything; google is an internet pathogen and can lead to google amnesia.