irish creamer
when recieving a bl-wj-b, right as one is about to -j-c-l-t- they pull ouf of the mouth and place their c-ck right on their partners cheek and force the s-m-n to come out slow, move your c-ck until you have formed a little shamrock (three leaf clover) on their face. this is an irish creamer.
todd: dude, i gave that hot redhead at the bar last night an irish creamer and she told me it reminded her of home
while brewing some coffee in the kitchen, you procure some -n-l from your partner. just as you are about to -j-c-l-t-, you pull out, poor the hot coffee in the gaping -n-l cavity, and -j-c-l-t- into the coffee.
michael gave april an irish creamer last night. she got third degree burns in her -ss, but he wasn’t really sure why it was called an irish creamer.
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