
a black man with a 8 inch p-n-s also is a great widowmaker player in overwatch.

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  • yojalis

    a b-tch that sucks a lot of d-ck and is know as the biggest hoe in school . has s-x with every guy she meets. but also very nice and sweet . she can tyn and tyb and she a bad -ss b-tch i want to be like yojalis

  • shavashni

    a small t-rd that turns white after a few days man that sh-t turned all shavashni

  • keylyza

    talks a lot of sh-t but also has a lot of friends. tends to be fake here & there. loves to laugh with great vibes. #nofilter #fake #laughs keylyza talks too much sh-t, he fake.

  • sex in hell

    extremely hot s-x i had s-x in h-ll last night. it was amazing

  • jaishaun

    the coolest person you’ll ever meet. easy to fall in love with but hard to argue with. stubborn as a mule and very talented. jaishaun just stole my girl.

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