jake duffy

cool dude
that guy is a real jake duffy.

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  • haymes

    he who has no definition. he is his own person. you will never understand what hes about or who he is. that guy in our physics cl-ss is such a haymes

  • fayha

    one who is very outgoing towards everybody and is very loud. also, one who likes to leave her friends by themselves but all around she is a pretty kool kat. wow… there she goes talking again that sure is fayha

  • kyatsha

    a cool, chill, beautiful, ghetto, crazy, queen. she always dresses her best. she’s talked about on a regular basis, but she don’t give a f-ck. she’s the best person you could ever meet. they got that nice cake. “d-mn kyatsha’s such a bad queen.”

  • waqeel

    funny -ss s-xy -ss n-gg- might take ya b-tch…jk of course he gon take yo b-tch ain’t no might n-gg-. d-mn i had a girl till she met waqeel

  • kahtya

    a gorgeous girl with a princess personality. once you date her, you’re stuck on her forever. words can’t begin to explain how funny, talented, and amazing she is. that kahtya’s a heartbreaker, watch out for her.

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