this is an amazing word from a couple that were inseparable even though lady jario like another person and they were called johnclyn and life in the ancient times was good for them until johnclyn happened….now jario is forever forget and overcame by johnclyn
jario is no longer a family because of evil johnclyn
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a discussion or meeting about feminism. the liberals attended a feminar about hillary clinton.
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when a group of people gather together to chill, chat, and share ideas, almost always resulting in a casual, cool encounter. i.e. congrats homie, looks like you just made a trisq!
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the ability to telepathically connect with someone on a p-rnographic level. last night, jan and i shared a deep and intimate connection through means of telep-rnography.
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1. rhetoric, words, and actions that convey meaning and merit from notions and experiences of enjoyment, pleasure, amus-m-nt, having a good time, and/or foolishness. 2. a state of being in which the most logical conclusion is enjoyment and having a good time. she maintained her sanity by attuning herself to funsense.
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koungalaphobia is the fear or crane flies/daddy long legs. it is created from the words ‘kounoupi’ in greek meaning ‘mosquito’ and ‘megalo’ meaning large. therefore, it is seen as a large mosquito. “i hate summer nights: there are loads of crane flies around.” “what’s so bad about that?” “i have koungalaphobia.”