jay boles

an extraordinary man with the most lovely bedroom eyes, an absurdly seductive grin,an amazing guy who is so funny, and wonderful. someone who can brighten anyone’s day no matter how sad they are. j is a friend you can always count on to keep it real. he’s sweet, and handsome, basically irresistible.

a male who, at first glance, seems to be a douchebag, but upon further study will turn out to have a heart of gold. best people you’ll ever know. to save his soul he loves to flow some j boles this j boles is that j (is the greatest) dosent just rap about b-tches and hoes like other rappers, but about his life experiences. he radiates confidence in everything he does. genuinely intriguing and intrigued by others, he radiates confidence in everything he does and fears n-body. he won’t pick a fight, he’s higher up, no need, it’ll be dealt. treats people with respect up to the point where they cross the line with him. keeps his cool but won’t be pushed around. he does not justify insecurities by bringing others down; he’ll accept everyone to have as much fun as he is having regardless of what they look like.
pretty sure it was jay boles

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