Jeff Jarrett
current national wrestling alliance world heavyweight champion. recently formed the kings of wrestling with scott hall and kevin nash. rumored to be a crackhead.
the stroke is a “meh” finisher.
a wresting promoters not always liked by the fans and other promoters.
“you are such a jeff jarrett!”
hey mich-lle i read your f-cktarded definition of mumia what a stupid foolish tool you are believing all that fabricated trash the pro-mumia sites put out, stop believing everything you read, dumb-ss.
mich-lle believes everything she sees on the net, it’s just gotta be true. what a rubberload of c-mjuice mich-lle is.
one of the worlds wrost wrestler, him and his old jack off in tna suck. can’t wait till abyss comes to the wwe b-tchs.
you f-cking idots if you belive he is cool
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