Jerry Falwell
a f-cking pig of a human who pretends to care about christians and christianity, but really just wants their money to support his lavish lifestyle and to contribute to right-wing, nutjob republican candidates. unfortunately, millions of sheeplike christians buy into his shtick.
jerry falwell should have been aborted.
a televangilist who has unknown influence connections to the d.c. crowd for no apparent reason. frequently puts both feet in mouth while inserting his head up his -ss, thus accused of being a secret yogi. is a closet republican who l-sts after power and is deeply in love with his own opinions and the sound of his own voice.
why is that -ss jerry falwell on fox news again?
a religious fundamentalist whose main purpose in life is topoint out people who are diffrent and tell them to go to h-ll. f-ck you jerry falwell!!!!!!!!
jerry falwell is a dirty pr-ck.
a political minister who claims he’s “doing g-d’s work” but that idiot dumbf-cker hates women, gays/lesbians, abortionists/pro-abortionists, liberals, and anyone who isn’t a christian. he acts like an -sshole most of the time and has little respect for others.
without jerry falwell most of the country’s problems would disappear.
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