jersey jumper
girls that follow sports teams and try to mess around with or have s-x with everyone that has a jersey on the team, or they are the team sl-ts.
“stuped jersey jumpers”
women who seek out jersey wearing athletes (i.e. bicyclists, basketball players, football players, etc.) for s-xual encounters, essentially sports groupies. see: bullpen beef
the jersey jumpers were sitting in the bleachers trying to hit on members of the bicycling team, just like the bullpen beef we saw the night before hitting on the oakland a’s bullpen players.
this is when the male hangs out in an alleyway and grabs a girl as she p-sses by, then yells obscenities at her while having doggystyle s-x with her.
i was in camden last night and got h-rny so i had to pull a jersey jumper.
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