jessica bacon

this girl, you might as well take a seat, is something else, she is truly the most amazing girl you’ll ever meet. the first thing you’ll notice is her eyes, careful they are very easy to get lost in. the next thing would have to be her smile, it literally lights up the room and is the cutest thing ever. next is her laugh, now that will have you tripping over yourself because it’s the most adorable thing ever. her body, well it’s perfect we are going to leave it at that 😉 she is by far the kindest girl ever, she’s very smart, she’s really funny, you can really have a good time with her. this girl is also the most loving girl you’ll know, she treats her man like he’s the only guy in the world and he is lucky to have her. this girl is one of a kind, and she truly is a gift from god
guy 1
do you see her i think thats jessica bacon, daaaamn

p-ss off, shes mine

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