Jive Ass Bitch
to describe a “sk-nk” or “ho”. a female who is tactless in her self-dispensal to the extent her -ss gives off a “jive”
h-ll no you jive -ss b-tch i ain’t getting aids for you or no-one!
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- Fleamarket hoe
a cheap, disgusting, easily attainable girl that is dtf guy: you going to that party tonight dude? friend: yeah bro, theres about to be so many fleamarket hoes there
- Bamboon
dirrived from baboon by the infamous archie bunker what the h-ll have i got here? – a tree with two bamboons swingin’ out of it?
- Dextronaught
a superhero who explores the world and their mind through the means of drinking large amounts of cough syrup troy, pez, and kayla are dextronaughts
- diab
means ‘d-ck in a box’ comes from the awesome music video featuring justin timberlake and andy samberg which was shown on sat-rday night live. the video rips the sh-t out of s-x music of the early 90’s. its about two c-ssanova men who attach boxes to their waists and have their d-cks in the boxes. […]
bad -ss mother f-cking kid. alyssa is a bamfk.