when your good at something you don’t like
i am jobil at car chase games.
buy the domain for your cat blog
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a f-cking dumb-ss. thats everything you need to know. god dammit d-ckover! why are you such a dumb-ss!
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when someone is s-xually attracted to themselves. that gym rat who checks himself out all the time is an example of self-s-xualization buy the domain for your diy blog
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the act of being fingered, but with a d-ck. oh my god! i dingered eryka last night! she has the best booty
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the acronym for read the manual first all students rtmf before attempting the project buy the domain for your cat vlog
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win some loose most mom: “ did you guys win your soccer game?” carly “nope” mom “ you’ll get em next time” carly “wslm” buy the domain for your foodie vlog