to engage in flirtatious behavior with another; to crush on someone; to hit on someone
brandon, constantly laughing, smiling, lightly touching and generally talking up a storm, was jocking amanda.
derived from the term, “being on someone’s jock (as in jock strap)” meaning to attempt to imitate their style, especially in music.
“mcs be jockin’ my style” – craig mack
derived from the word jock strap. much in the way a jock strap cups, secures, and holds in place someone’s nuts (b-lls or t-st-cl-s), some humans also hold, grip, or “jock” someone in order to impress, gain favor, or attract.
jocking is the act or art of placing someone on a higher level or pedestal, most times undeservedly and annoyingly so.
“i wish john would stop jocking terri for a date!”
“do you see the way sally has been jocking mr. brown for a good grade?”
to hit up on someone(usually gurlz)
aka get a lot of girls
cruzin down the street in my ’64 jocking the b-tches slaping the hoes – by eazy-e
the act of pulling a usually young male’s pants, shorts or swim trunks down and stepping on them so as to trip him to the ground. thus usually results in the shorts coming completely off.
john and adam jocked paul at the beach in front of the whole party. after jocking paul, john and sam hid his shorts from him.
to vy for, try and take
“nathan was the team’s star player, but when lucas arrived he began to think lucas was jocking for his place as point-guard.”
“sue was jocking for a turn on the computer, and so were both her brothers – they always fought over it.”
to hate on a person by constantly checking their account and posting stupid sh-t on it.
true dat…but why would 12 year old girls be jocking my formspring and asking questions? that’s odd
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