
beautiful woman, gorgeous, s-xy with a beautiful smile
man look at that s-xy girl….. that has to be joe-maika!!!!

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    person who asumes they know the correct answer for every thing (also joffle as a verb) that ”brett” fellow is a joffler or; ”cody” is trying to joffle brett

  • Johnstevening

    to fold for absolutely no reason during a hand of poker. coined from the wsop star john stevenson. for god sake would you stop johnstevening so we can put some money into this game

  • John Stockton

    1. the best point guard in the history of professional basketball; leads the league in -ssists and steals 2. to have tight short-shorts 1. not magic nor jordan have more steals and -ssists than stockon 2. dude did u steal those shorts from the girls’ locker room or john stockon? opposite of a c-ck block. […]

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    slang for la joliscience tex-mex restaurant establishment in houston, texas. q: why you been on the sh-tter all day? a: ate at jolly science last night

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