john bonham
the drummer for led zeppelin.
john bonham is one of the greatest drummers of all time.
1. n. perhaps the greatest rock-and-roll drummer who ever lived.
2. v. to get intoxicated to the point where one vomits in one’s sleep.
1. john bonham was better on drums than jimi hendrix was on guitar.
2. dude, barron got so hammered last night he pulled a john bonham after he p-ssed out. i had to turn his head to the side so he wouldn’t suffocate.
the drummer for led zeppelin. he was the greatest drummer in rock music and he is still better than such wannabe pretenders as neil peart (who is m-ssively overrated) and travis barker (who should never be allowed to play music, ever). bonham almost single-handedly (although with help from carmine appice) created the stereotype of the loud rock drummer, played brutal, pounding beats and amazing triplet-based fills with a lightning right foot.
he is missed.
john bonham was the genius behind “when the levee breaks,” “achilles last stand,” and “moby d-ck” (the real, live kind, not the patched-together cr-p on led zeppelin ii).
the greatest rock drummer ever. he was the drummer for led zeppelin, he was influinced by buddy rich(one of the greatest jazz drummers).used a ludwig set up with a big band b-ss drum, one mounted tom, two floor toms, and a steel snare. his cymbals were all zildjan, even his awsome gong. also in some concerts he had two mounted konga drums. he created a all knew way of playing drums with awsome tripplet based solos that would go on for 20 minnets.he had a crazy fast right foot, wrote some amazing songs like mobey d-ck, and when the leve breaks. he has inspired many to play drums(including me). he died from alcohol poisining.
r.i.p. john henry bonham
wanna be drummer: dude stewert copland is the greatest drumer ever!
someone who knows what their talking about: your dumb, john bonham rocks harder with his pinky that copland.
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