the definition is not what any icp loving fool thinks it is, it doesn’t have anything to do with being “down with the clown” or being a r-t-rd with face paint.
the meaning of juggalette is a female who can hear and speak to ghosts. it is -ssociated with the magician in tarot, who is sometimes called the juggler. it’s also known as being clairvoyant.
icp did -not- invent or come up with the word in any way.
because she could speak to ghosts, she was known as a juggalette.
90 more definitions
a juggalette is a morbidly obese and/or borderline-r-t-rded teenage girl who has zero friends other than fellow clown syndrome patients and listens to the insane clown posse religiously. they come from a usually poor background (reason why they pretend to be tough) most of which becoming pregnant by the time they are 17 after drinking faygo and pretending to be drunk. they typically have worst-case-scenario acne and have an outer layer of lard around the brain that slows even the most basic cognitive ability, usually their love life does not exist beyond internet cybers-x with juggalos.
normal person: wow, look another icp fan.
normal person 2: yeah, wait thats a “juggalette”.
juggalette: iz iz down wit da clownz
normal person: what the f-ck is that stench??
normal person 2: thats swamp crotch.. noooo!.
information from ed.com
an american white trash female who suffers from loose virtues, dellusions of: grandure, toughness, self worth and intelligence. common practices include: the dawning of rediculous clown makeup, having s-x with any and all males who go by the t-tle juggalo, making online videos in which they threaten bodily harm against men they do not know with no intention of acting upon these idol fantasies. silly and embarrasing though they may be, they are perhaps more than anything else, symbols of middle cl-ss white america’s loss of ident-ty and principle.
that juggalette made a 15 minute video of herself smoking cigarettes and singing along to an insane clown posse song. it was perhaps her life’s greatest singular accomplishment.
a girl who has no friends.. no sense of real style.. and who would probably f-ck a toothless crackhead for any affection what-so-ever. listens to icp and other piece of sh-t bands from psychopathic records.
often defines themselves as “protective of our juggalo family, will f-ck up anyone who says sh-t to me.. etc etc.” what that really means is “i paint my face like a moron to look bad-ss, but i look like a f-cking r-t-rd and i probably couldn’t throw a real punch to save my life.”
will most likely end up getting killed for mouthing off too much.
“hi, i am a juggalette. i just f-cked hobo harry because he said he loves me. don’t look at me, i’ll f-ck you up.. for serious yo.”
the one breed with more self loathing than a goth girl.
usually extremely overweight, unattractive and promiscuous. can usually be found on webcam in chatrooms exposing themselves.
they are the reason why people are afraid of clowns.
steve – “once i went out with a goth chick”
mike – “dude thats nothing, once i went out with a juggalette”
both – “ewww”
a female juggler, who has escaped from the circus she was performing at, and is now on the run. usually accompanied by an elephant and escaped zoo monkey. often named katie or emily, and always unbelievably perfect. dont mess with this juggler because they are always equally good at flame throwing.
guy 1: “did you see that building just burst into flames??”
guy 2: ” dude i did. someone must have messed with a juggalette.”
juggalette’s are usually white, lower middle cl-ss, trashy girls who -ssociate with the band icp. they are pretty much all sk-nky as h-ll so they’re pretty easy to score with, but none the less they are obnoxious as f-ck and just simply unpleasant to be around. in fact i really recommend not doing a juggalette, not because of all the venereal diseases, but because when you wake up the next morning your going to be like “sh-t”
“hey man, there’s those sk-nky juggalette chicks. i’m going to try to do her tonight.”
“nah man, i would’nt recommend that, seems like something you might regret.”
“wow, thanks for saving me from that trap, fam.”
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