just another tuesday

par for the course. when something outrageous happens and a blase att-tude is adopted in the face of it.
“i went out to the car to find i have two flat tires. just another tuesday.”

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  • like why

    a good way to make everyone hate you. hey-dude like why-me f-ck you too-dude

  • crental

    when something is both ‘crazy’ and ‘mental’ simultaneously. kayleigh is literally acting so crental today

  • cochino

    it means “pig,” in spanish those three cops rousted carlos today. what a bunch of cochinos! cochino (coe-chee-noe, n.a. “cochini”, span “cochino”, literally meaning “pig”): a young man with questionable motivations concerning young women, usually of a lewd, erotic nature. typically having a voracious s-xual appet-te and pr-ne to constantly making advances on girls. “mija, […]

  • jahmalachi

    a very amazing man with beautiful brown eyes who always knows what to say to make the one he loves smile. the one he loves is a very lucky person considering they have the most amazing person to live. he is one of a kind. always looking for an adventure. pretty much everyone loves him. […]

  • eihab

    a hot malaysian dude with six abs. “bro , i kinda want to be like eihab. he gets all the girls. d-mn.”

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