a big fat red baby, who’s looks like a huge dot (.) and is very confused about life. it is also a psychopath.
person : “woah! that girl is a kaatyaayani ”
person 2 : ” jesus christ! i saw megan fox in my dream, but the sad thing is, she was a kaatyaayani! “
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a word used to replace awesome,bad -ss,kick -ss, the phrase the sh-t. only to be used when something is greater than all other words used to describe it. that sh-t is so kadalow i have never seen something as kadalow like that in my entire life.
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verbal form.meaning is to write with leftist political slant.leftrite is at a macro level any writing that falls within social democratic to extreme radical writing. jean paul sartre,camus,george orwell,chomsky et al are examples of authors who leftrite.
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- Clognated
word to describe someone or something stuck up or arrogant. also used when building a tunnel out of dead gr-ss, but a clump of gr-ss is in the way so you cant see through. “wow morgan and kamyn are so not clognated at all! unlike that emma girl….” “d-mn! these tunnels are so clognated!”